If you are a traveler then you need some important items to keep in your car every time for handling an emergency. Because you don’t know when and where you need these items for staying safe. You should have the kit of all the necessary items that you think you will need to stay safe during drive.
Emergencies are always unplanned and unexpected so be prepared for handling especially when you are in any long travel. But if you have all the items that are needed in an emergency then you don’t need to worry about any situation. There are many roadside emergency situations that you need to handle on the spot while driving.
You can face different types of roadside emergencies like flat tires, vehicle breakdown and run out of gas, etc. bad weather and jammed traffic are also some types of emergency situations for a traveler. One other emergency situation that you face many times is poor road conditions. These all are the type of emergency conditions that you can face while driving so be prepared with all the necessary tools and items to handle such situations.
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Sometimes you face a big emergency situation while the other time it is so small that you can handle it by yourself. But in case you are traveling alone and a big emergency condition you faced than what should you need the most? Here we are mentioning some types of necessary items that you should need to keep in your car all the time. These items will not only help you but will try to fix all the problems in less time.
While going on a long journey, you should consider your personal circumstances while collecting all the stuff together to keep in a car. If you have some health problems then definitely consider it on priority so that you don’t have to face any serious issue. The other items that you should keep in your emergency kit are.
Mobile Phone
A cell phone is the most necessary item that should be in your emergency kit so that you can make a call on a priority basis in case of any emergency. Make sure the charger of the phone is also with the phone so that whenever the phone gets dead, then you can charge on time. If you face any emergency then you can make a call to 911 even without active service.
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Keep an Extra Tire
Whenever you go on a long journey, then make sure you are carrying an extra tire in your car so that if you need to replace any of your car tires you can have one extra. Try to keep a lug-nut that fits nuts the nuts on the wheel of your car. You should keep a working car jack in the emergency kit.
Road Bursts
You should prepare your kit for a car breakdown. If you need any equipment to handle your car while breakdown then you have all the necessary tools present in your kit. Keep at least three extra flares in your car kit. By adjusting all the flares during car breakdown so that you can wear other drivers on the road.
A flashlight should be in the Kit
You should keep some source of light in your car so that if you have any issue in your car at night time then you can check it by utilizing that light. Keep batteries, flashlight or a light stick in the kit. Keep both light and batteries separately so that you can prevent your batteries to drain.
Food, Water & First Aid Kit
Make sure you have kept first aid kit that contains bandages, pain relievers and digestive aids in the kit that you will require in case of any emergency. Keep water gallon in the car and some snacks so that if you stuck in traffic you can pass your time.
Other Tools
While going on a long journey, you should keep some more necessary tools in the kit that contains some adjustable wrench that can quickly fix the battery connection. Jumper cables and snow chains are also necessary tools that should be in your kit.
So be prepared for any type of emergency while driving long.